It’s time to write sex. Yes, yes it is.

I might have mentioned it.  My writing group () is in the middle of a writing challenge.  32K in 28 days.  I started “Ghost Lover” on Feb. 12th at our meeting, and expect to have at least 32K written by March 12th.  It’s very similar to National Novel Writing Month (  In fact, we call it Winter NaNo.

My inner editor has been banished.  The object is word count only.  Vomit drafts are allowed (throw up all over the page).  Dreck is expected.

Yesterday, I finished four days of solid writing.  It wasn’t easy.  My characters did what I told them, and I struggled to think of the next scene.  Then, as I passed the 16K mark, they started doing things on their own.  Unexpectedly, Clare, my heroine, got pie-eyed drunk and phoned Adrian, the hero.  And they were off and running. . .

There’s nothing sweeter than hitting the zone and letting your characters take over.    Some call it imagination.  Others call it Muse.  I prefer the “Girls in the Basement.”  Barbara Samuels came up with the term.  Jenny Cruise borrowed it, and I stole it from her.  Basically, its the deep, deep subconscious, the place where research and ideas marinate.  Then, once in awhile, the girls send up something, and it’s the perfect piece to the puzzle you’re writing.

Imagine my surprise when the girls told me my characters had to have sex.  No!  They barely knew each other.  She was drunk, and he’s not the type to take advantage of the situation.  But wait, one of the plot devices allows them to meet during their dreams.  And I’d planned for dream sex.  Why not now?  She’s in one room asleep.  He’s in another.  Such proximity could be the catalyst to their first dream encounter.

So, tonight I write sex.  It will be hot.  I’ll let them tell me what keys to hit on my laptop.  I’ll only control one thing – they won’t remember it the next morning.  Aren’t I evil?  No, it’s the girls.  Bless their hearts.

Have you ever had your characters run away with your story?

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