Monthly Archives: August 2011
Writing Characters
The value of images when writing is sooo, sooo important. I’ve started pre-production on the re-release of “What Do You Say to a Naked Elf?” and the sequel (you didn’t know?) “Robert’s Rules Undone”. My cover artist, the very talented Tuesday of purpleinkdesigns, sent me a cover questionnaire and asked me to fill it out….
Editing my next book
What glaring errors have you made in a manuscript? Did you catch them or did someone else? Continue reading
The Apprentice Fairy Godmother now available for Kindle
The Apprentice Fairy Godmother is available as an ebook on Kindle. Continue reading
Posted in Promotion
Tagged Amazon, ebook, fairy godmother, Harrison Ford, Kindle, paranormal, romantic comedy, self-publishing, The Apprentice Fairy Godmother
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