Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis—This week’s cool links

Today’s cool links are all writing related. I love it when I find links that teach me something and I’m able to share. This week I’m sharing links on writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis.

Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis

Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis www.cherylsterlingbooks.comThe first is Eva Deverell’s blog, a plethora of writing templates, worksheets, prompts, and tools. She’s listed helpful printables from everything from poetry to plot formulas. I especially like her mind maps by genre. If you’re looking for the perfect plot twist or idea spark, her site is the place to visit.

Article Index

Weekly writing plan

Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis www.cherylsterlingbooks.com

Here’s an infograph that will help you organize your writing week. It’s geared toward short stories or articles, but if you’re having problems writing a blog once a week, this might help you stay on track. I’ve been writing a lot of short stories lately, trying for two a week. I don’t have an organized way of doing so. I think I’ll give this a try!

Random generator for character interest

I’m a big fan of generators lately, and I don’t mean the electrical kind. Last week, I shared my favorite name generators. This week, I found a site that will randomly generate interests for your characters.

If you're in the beginning stages of discovering what your character likes to do in his spare time, this generator could spark some ideas.Click To Tweet What interests your main character? Magical girls and trains? Nifty hats and baseball? Astronomy and law?

Amazon Author Pages

Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis www.cherylsterlingbooks.com

On January 18, 2018, I reblogged a post on Amazon Author Pages. Here’s another perspective on how to optimize your Author Pages, including a point I idn’t write about — international markets. I have my Author Page set up on a few other Amazon markets, but after reading this article, I’ll recheck. Don’t miss out on overseas income!

Are you on track with your 2018 writing goals?

Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis www.cherylsterlingbooks.com

Be honest, have you looked at your list of goals since the first week of January? Here we are in the first week of February. It's time to dust them off and take another look.Click To Tweet In Hollie Geitner’s post, she shares how to stay on track and achieve your goals.

For my take on goals, check out this 2017 post about S.M.A.R.T. goals.

Overcoming perfection paralysis

Writing tools, plans, goals, and overcoming perfection paralysis www.cherylsterlingbooks.com

Do you suffer from perfection paralysis? Do you hold onto your book, polishing and polishing and asking for input from your critique partners, beta readers, and strangers on the street? Dixie Carton writes about how to let go and send your baby into the world. In fact, she makes a parenting analogy, comparing releasing a book to raising children. Check out her enlightening blog to give you ease of mind about releasing your baby.

If you have an interesting link you’d like to share, drop it in the comments. I’ll be happy to share it with my readers.

As always, blessings,


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