The value of images when writing is sooo, sooo important. I’ve started pre-production on the re-release of “What Do You Say to a Naked Elf?” and the sequel (you didn’t know?) “Robert’s Rules Undone”. My cover artist, the very talented Tuesday of purpleinkdesigns, sent me a cover questionnaire and asked me to fill it out.
Do you know how hard it is to remember character details from six and seven years ago? Fortunately, I always scrapbook my characters (we call it a Book of Wonder) and I still have the images. In the case of “Elf” I even have written character descriptions.
Here’s what I based Charlie on, though he’s described in the book as being more like Legolas:
And here is Jane:
You can see I didn’t put a lot of work into it.
However, for the sequel, starring Jane’s sister, Sheila Perfect and (ta-da) Tivat the shapeshifting Elf, I spent a little more time:
Oh, look, more Naked Elf!
And Tivat doesn’t have tattoos, but isn’t that guy hot? He’s more like the mysterious Marcus (Marcus, just Marcus) from “Tall, Dark and Slayer”. Thinking about doing a short story centered on him.
I digress. Images are important while writing your story. In some cases, afterward.
What do you use for inspiration?
BTW, I got sidetracked by my Book of Wonders for “The Spell Breaker” a Non-comedy but romance. Richard, the hero king, is based on “Highlander’s” Adrian Paul. Can you blame me?