Why You Should Write a Series — #ThrowbackThursday

It’s #ThrowbackThursday. Today’s repost originates in March, 2019 and is centered on why you should write a series. An appropriate topic as I begin to write book six of the Rory Harper paranormal mystery series, and as book five, NonScents, is now on pre-order.

Why you should write a series

Do you write a series? It’s one of the best ways to intrigue your reader and get him/her to buy your next book. A familiar world with interesting characters is like the TV series Cheers. Everyone knows your name, and it’s a place they can hang out.

Why should you write a series? Two words: Read through. If they love book one, they’ll read book two, and so on until the end of the series. If you rapid release (stockpile written books and release them at close intervals), you can whet their appetite for the next installment without waiting a year or more between (in which time they might lose interest). With the release of book three, books one and two get a bump in sales, and so on.

Marketing a series is easier as well. You don’t have to sell your reader on a new concept because they’re already familiar with the world. You can choose to sell the new book at .99¢, leaving the previous books at regular price. Or price book one at 99¢ or perma-free as an enticement to buy more books in the series. And once you have three or more books in a series written, you can combine them as a set. Instead of three books at $3.99 each, sell a set for $9.99.

why you should write a series

Writing a series is easier for you. You know the characters. You know the world. With each new book, you don’t have to start from scratch, inventing new characters with complete histories. Just give him a new challenge. Throw him into hot water in an old pot and dish him up to your readers.

Series on my bookshelves:

The Bosch Series by Michael Connelly LA Detective Harry Bosch has solved homicides and investigated cold crimes for over twenty years. Do I tire of him? Not one bit.

The Mitford Series –Father Tim’s slow-paced life in the small town of Mitford is always a welcome retreat. Visiting is like sitting down at a friend’s kitchen table and catching up with old friends.

Harry Potter–I remember standing in line at bookstores with my children to buy the latest installment. For The Goblet of Fire, I think we bought two copies, one for me, and one for my daughter to read. Who wouldn’t want that kind of loyalty?

The Little House on the Prairie Series- I read them as a little girl, I read them to my daughter, and I’m still reading them.

The Harry Dresden Files by Jim Butcher–Harry, wizard and private eye, is always in trouble. I love to visit his world and find out how he’ll get out of his latest misadventure.

What series do you love to read?

Why aren’t you writing your own?

p.s. 2021 Cheryl here. Are you up to date in your reading of the Schnoztopia series? Visit the Amazon page of my alter ego, Noel Cash, to order the first four books in the series, and pre-order book five. They are all FREE on Kindle Unlimited.


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