Tag Archives: using archetypes to plot
Prepare for NaNoWriMo:Plotting
Prepare for NaNoWriMo:Plotting Last week, I wrote about using archetypes to create characters in anticipation of NaNoWriMo in November. My project next month is a retelling of Red Riding Hood and the Big, Bad Wolfe as a romance. I’ve already established a world in Snow White and the Eighth Dwarf (available in January) that I…
Posted in What I'm writing
Tagged fantasy romance, how to plot a book, NaNo, NANoWriMo, plotting, using archetypes to plot, writing fantasy
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Prepare for NaNoWriMo:Characters
Prepare for NaNoWriMo Nothing strikes terror into the heart of a writer more than the phrase, “prepare for NaNoWriMo” unless it’s actually taking part in NaNo. What is NaNo? From their website: “National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing. On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of…