Tag Archives: character motivation
How to Build a Character Arc #ThrowbackThursday
How to Build a Character Arc A WRITER CAN POUR plot twists, solid conflict, steamy sex, non-stop action, and a fluffy kitty or two into a story and still miss the heart of the reader if the main characters in the story fail to demonstrate some sort of character arc. Readers relate to characters through…
The Five Whys #AuthorToolboxBlogHop
The Secret of the Five Whys The secret of the five whys is known to a few writers, but it’s such an awesome way to know your characters and thus make plotting easier, that we had to share. Feel free to pass it on. A long time ago, when I started writing, a friend (hey,…
The Princess Bride Character Motivation
The Princess Bride has a little bit of everything. Fencing. Fighting. Torture. Poison. True Love, etc. It also has Motivation, Goals and Conflict (especially conflict.) In my mind, Motivation is the most important of the three. A man can have a goal of climbing Mt. Everest or landing a sailfish in the Caribbean, but until…