Tag Archives: adobe spark
Adobe Spark #ThrowbackThursday
Creating Adobe Spark images and videos We’re traveling in the way back machine to 2018 and a previous post regarding Adobe spark and how to make images for your blog. Do you create images for your social media? I’ve used Canva in the past, (read my review here) adding a writing quote to an image…
Adobe Spark Images and Videos #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop
Creating Adobe Spark images and videos Do you create images for your social media? I’ve used Canva in the past, (read my review here) adding a writing quote to an image (with my web address at the bottom) and posting to Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest each morning. I’ve now switched over to Adobe Spark, a FREE program that…
7 Lessons Learned #AtoZChallenge
Lessons learned in the 2018 #AtoZChallenge This year, I participated in the #AtoZChallenge for the second time. Last year, I jumped on the bandwagon days before it started and scrambled to post all twenty-six articles. In 2018 I approached #AtoZ as a project. Here are some lessons learned: 1. Lesson learned: Have a plan In…