Why You Should Write a Series — #ThrowbackThursday

It’s #ThrowbackThursday. Today’s repost originates in March, 2019 and is centered on why you should write a series. An appropriate topic as I begin to write book six of the Rory Harper paranormal mystery series, and as book five, NonScents, is now on pre-order.

Why you should write a series

Do you write a series? It’s one of the best ways to intrigue your reader and get him/her to buy your next book. A familiar world with interesting characters is like the TV series Cheers. Everyone knows your name, and it’s a place they can hang out.

Why should you write a series? Two words: Read through. If they love book one, they’ll read book two, and so on until the end of the series. If you rapid release (stockpile written books and release them at close intervals), you can whet their appetite for the next installment without waiting a year or more between (in which time they might lose interest). With the release of book three, books one and two get a bump in sales, and so on. Continue reading

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NonScents Cover Reveal

 Pssst. Come here. Yeah, you. Want to see something special? Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. Ready? Okay, here goes…..

Nonscents cover reveal

Of course, Rory doesn’t smoke (at least in book five), but the cover gives the flavor of a private investigator. And boy, does Rory need all his skills as he tackles his latest mystery.

Here’s the blurb:

I make a living from my nose. Solving problems as a private investigator. Fighting crime.

When a duel between a demon from the past and a power-hungry witch claims my keen sense of smell, I lose my self-identity.

When they also steal the myth’s magic while mine grows bigger, I’m caught in the crossfire of jealousy and anger.

The myth want my power. So does the witch-demon.

The murderer who I crossed? He just wants my life.

Available April 13, 2021. Pre-order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08ZNNBGZK


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#ThrowbackThursday Raise the Stakes

Today’s #ThrowbackThursday post heralds back to July, 2015. Sooo long ago. Let’s talk about how you can raise the stakes in your novel.

Does every scene raise the stakes of your plot?

Raise the stakes in your novel.

Raise the stakes in your novel.

Lately, I’ve been playing a little game called RTS.  It stands for Raise The Stakes, and it’s made a big difference in the tension of my novel.

In order to catch and keep your reader’s attention, you have to involve them with your characters.  You want them to love them or hate them, root for or against them, and be actively involved with them. (Think of the audience in The Truman Show). Every scene should create a dilemma for your character, leaving the reader to wonder how your hero/heroine will react and get out of this newest problem. This is especially true at the end of chapters. The absolute worst thing you can do is end a chapter where the H/h goes to bed. This is known as the “back-of-the-toilet” scenario, whereupon your reader, metaphorically or literally, turns the open book upside down on the back of the toilet and leaves, possibly never to return to reading your cherished story. Continue reading

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