Editing my next book

Sales forThe Apprentice Fairy Godmother are accumulating.  I’m confident that once I start uploading more stories and build a backlist, the numbers will grow.

Meanwhile, I’m finishing the last of my edits for “Tall, Dark and Slayer”, due out with Champagne Books in January.  Did I say last edits?  No, these are preliminary, mostly punctuation and formatting.  It seems — hard to believe–I am fond of the dash.  I’m also doing mundane fixes like underlining to italics and changing the chapter titles to bold, 20pt font.  Each publisher is different.  I don’t mind doing them, it gives me a chance to reunite with my characters, Betty and Gabe.

Content edits will be forthcoming.  I can already see one thing that has to be fixed.  Gabe is very active during the climax while wearing handcuffs.  I can only assume he’s cuffed in front.

What glaring errors have you made in a manuscript?  Did you catch them or did someone else?

Take care,


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