The Dearly Departed Dating Service

dearlydeparteddatingservice master coverThe Dearly Departed Dating Service is now available for purchase!

What if your job was to take care of the elderly? And one day, your patient died, only to return in your dreams, asking you to help find her soul mate?

This is the concept of my latest book, The Dearly Departed Dating Service.

Claire Holmes’ patient dies and leaves her a house, a million dollars, and an office existing in the dreamtime, along with a request to match her and her friends for some everlasting love.

Here are some excerpts:gh

“Let me get this straight. I’m dreaming.”


“And you’re dead.”

“Very much so.”

“And you and others want me to run a dearly departed dating service.”

“Don’t be crass. It’s not complicated. We’re asking you to act as a matchmaker.”


“A ring? Georgie, are you asking me to marry you?”

He chuckled. “Ah, if I lost forty years, hadn’t met Sally, and wasn’t dead.”


“The matchmaking things works when I’m asleep. I’m transported to different places—a movie theater, an office complex—to meet clients and run reports and bring together Dead Debbie and Bought-the-farm Fred. So far, we’ve made twenty-two matches.”


Amy strode into the office, her gait fluid, appearing fifty years younger.

It’s amazing what death does to the complexion, Claire thought.


The Dearly Departed Dating Service is now available for purchase!


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