Cool links for 7-7-2018. What I’ve found on the internet this week that I’d lie to share with you.
Retro bookmobiles
They’re not your average trailer.
We never had a bookmobile in the town where I grew up. If you wanted a book, you rode your bike into town and checked one out at the teeny-tiny library. Ironically, the place of “shush” and “no talking” shared a building with the fire department, which honored the wartime tradition of blowing the civil defense whistle. Every day. At noon. Wonder what the librarians had to say about that? It was probably the only time of day you could shout and not get in trouble.
John K. King Used and Rare Books
If you don’t like the confines of a bookmobile, how about this library?
At four stories tall and containing more than a million books, this former glove factory in Detroit houses John K. King Used and Rare Books. I no longer live in Michigan, or I might take a field trip. On second thought, I turned down a chance to enter Powell’s in Portland because my hosts thought I could “run in for a minute or two.” Silly humans.
Altered Books
If a million books sounds daunting, let’s reduce your scope to one. I’m not one to cut up an old book, but if you can make art, why not give one a second chance?
Illustrator Isobelle Ouzman uses her talent to carve books into works of art.
A habit that started accidently when she drew on discarded books, Ouzman now carves intricate “holloways” throughout the books, creating tunnels, leaves, forests, and hidden animals in intricate portraits. Each book can take 25-35 hours to complete.
I’m afraid I don’t have the skill or patience for such an endeavor, but I admire her talent.
Exciting Announcement!
The Plot Thickens: 21 Ways to Plot Your Novel is now available in paperback.
Have you always wanted to write a book but didn’t know where to start?
Don’t waste your life thinking about writing a book when you can do it!
Are you ready to start writing a book?
You’re at the right place.
The Plot Thickens offers you myriad methods of plotting. Whether you are a published veteran or a writing novice, we present alternate methods of finding the best path to express and deliver the stuff pinging around in your head.
After reading “The Plot Thickens” you will know:
•How to write more efficiently whether you’re a plotter or a pantser
•How to take the headache out of starting your novel
•The secret of scene and sequel
•How to avoid sagging middles and lackluster endings
•How to use your character’s Goal, Motivation and Conflict to drive the story
•How to use the Hero’s Journey to plot your novel
•How our 19-1/2 step plotting worksheet can take you from page 1 to “the end”
•Plus 14+ ways to help you plot your novel
Are you ready to start writing your novel?
If you have no idea of how to take the first step, if you can’t decide if writing is a dream come true or a nightmare (hint: sometimes it’s both), this book can help you decide which method works for you.
As part of my MASTER PLAN (bwahahahaha), I’m slowly publishing all my books in paperback format through Amazon. Three down, seven to go, and my short stories will probably be condensed and offered as a box set.
I’ll be back next week with an update on what I’m writing because I seem to fail in giving you a glimpse into my fascinating, riveting writing world.
As always, if you’re not a subscriber to my newsletter, fill out the box below. You’ll get free books, sneek peeks at covers, advance reading of upcoming books, and lots of neat stuff.
If you know someone who might be interested in retro bookmobiles, huge book stores, or altered art, please feel free to share this post.