Cool Links 9-8-18

Cool Links 9-8-18

Cool links 9-8-18 edition looks at overue library books, odd things spillled on the road, paranormal travel destinations, and the Wizard of Oz.

Oops, forgot about that

There are two reasons I hesitate going to the library:

  1. I’ll bring home a mountain of books, my writing will grind to a halt, and I’ll spend the next three weeks reading. Not a bad concept, but I have to get my writing done.
  2. Despite email reminders, I’m afraid I’ll misplace a book and not return it.

One borrower could have used a friendly reminder. Fifty years after checking out a book from the Lexington Public Library, an anonymous borrower returned it by mail.

cool links 9-8-18 edition

Overdue fines capped at $6.75, a fact that, if the borrower knew, might have factored into an earlier return. He probably imagined a higher fee. Or maybe the book was misplaced.

You can read the story here.

What’s the latest you’ve returned an overdue book?

Roadway Spills

In a recent Cool Links blog, I mentioned a roadway spill of 40,000 pounds of Hershey bars. Apparently, chocolate isn’t the only thing spilling on our roads and highways.

cool links 9-8-18 edition

Imagine explaining any of these events to your insurance agent. Look both ways, people. Stay safe.

Paranormal Travel Destinations

Don’t limit yourself to Roswell when planning travel to a paranormal/UFO site. Orbitz has heard you and has selected ten destinations of the supernatural kind. They mention Egypt, Rome, Germany, and Japan, as well as Roswell. Are you interested in visiting?

cool links 9-8-18 edition

There’s no place like home

After an absence of over a decade, Dorothy’s ruby slippers are home again.

A pair of ruby slippers stolen from the Judy Garland Museum in Grand Rapids, MN (not my hometown of Grand Rapids, MI) were returned after a theft of over a decade. The estimated worth is “several million dollars”.

cool links 9-8-18

There’s no place like home.

Thank you for reading my cool links 9-8-18 edition!



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