What’s your book nyet factor?

What is your book nyet factor?

What is your book nyet factor?

What is your book nyet factor? How long do you read into a book before deciding to give up on it?  Or do you “suffer” all the way to the end? Don’t laugh—if Amazon reviews are any indication, there are tons of reviewers who force themselves to read those terrible books they give 0-1 stars to.

I ask because I recently picked up a new book at the library, a novel I’ve heard good things about. I’m barely 40 pages into it, and wonder at the wisdom of plunging in any further. Maybe I’m put off by the daunting size – almost 800 pages. Or maybe I’m used to the Hero’s Journey style of storywriting.  This book has no gripping hook or invitation to the other world, and I haven’t related to the myriad characters introduced so far.

I once read you should use the following formula in determining how many pages you should read before giving up : 100 minus your age. I think that’s about right. There are too many good books out there that are more worthy of my time. Goodness knows, I have lists and lists of them, not to mention my TBR pile (currently outweighed by my discard pile.)

What is your book nyet factor?

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