Monthly Archives: June 2017
The Power Within #blogchatterebook
Book Review:The Power Within As part of’s ebook carnival, I’m reviewing fellow writers’ ebooks. First up is The Power Within, by Geethica Mehra. About the Author “My writings are reflections of my views towards life. I believe that whatever happens only happens with a reason. And the best happens when it is not seen….
ebook carnival has changed my life #BlogchatterEbook
ebook carnival has changed my life “I take on the baton of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival from Amrita Misra Basu , whose Ebook Picky Eaters is also a part of the mix. About Amrita’s Ebook: Picky eating makes moms worried. Did you know, what you eat during pregnancy could change your unborn child’s eating habits? Knowing when…
June S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Today’s June 1st blog post is brought to you by June 4th Reasons. That’s my excuse for a three day delay in posting this blog. You may like to think of it as “Cheryl’s on vacation”, or “There’s granddaughters to hug and grandsons to cuddle”. No excuses. <segue> Just as there can be no excuses…