Tag Archives: writing challenge
Blogging Every Day? #AuthorToolboxBlogHop
Blogging Every Day? Blogging every day? Am I crazy? If so, it will the second year in a row I’ve been crazy enough to enter the A-to-Z-Challenge. What is the A-to-Z Challenge? It’s a one month blogging challenge that takes place in April. Twenty-six blogs on twenty-six days. Twenty-six letters of the alphabet, one post…
2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal
2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal It’s time for the 2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal. But first, what is the A-to-Z Challenge? It’s a one month blogging challenge that takes place in April. Twenty-six blogs on twenty-six days. Twenty-six letters of the alphabet, one post beginning with each letter. One central theme. Any category. (Post every…
I entered NaNo2017 because my character made me
To NaNo or not to NaNo, that is the question This year, after much internal debate, I entered NaNo2017. Unless you are super new to writing, every writer knows that November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNo or NaNoWriMo), when thousands of writers worldwide attempt to write 50K in 30 days. I had nothing to…