Tag Archives: sagging middle
Avoid Sagging Middles and Lackluster Endings #AuthorToolboxBlogHop
How You Can Have a Riveting Book Without Sagging Middles and Lackluster Endings The following is an excerpt from my book, The Plot Thickens: 21 Ways to Plot Your Novel. A link to buy can be found here. The second chapter addresses how to avoid sagging middles and lackluster endings. The novel’s middle is vital…
Losing Motivation — How to Go Forward With Your NaNo Book
Losing Motivation: Since #NaNoWriMo2016 ended, I’ve noticed a lot of Tweets and Facebook posts about writers losing motivation to finish their novel. I confess, I’m one of them. It’s as if the arrival of December 1st gave us a “Get Out of Jail” card. We stop pushing to write 1,667 words a day and write…