Tag Archives: Grand Rapids Region Writers Group

A Writing Prompt from the Past

A writing prompt using the way-back machine Do you use a writing prompt when you get a big case of writer’s block or to spark your writing? Here’s one from 2005, when the first started and lacked a speaker for their meeting. The dead make good neighbors; I mean, they don’t trot over at all…

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How to add depth to the characters you write by using their birth order

How birth order affects your characters We all know the cliches of the spoiled baby of the family or the tyrant older sister.  Why not use this information to drive your characters through your story? In “Birth Order, Adding Depth to the Characters You Write,” I examine the strengths and flaws of each child of…

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“I’ve Always Wanted to Write a Book” Conference

The 2011 edition of the Grand Rapids Region Writers Group “I’ve Always Wanted to Write a Book” Conference is over.  I had a wonderful time, met a lot of great writers, spread the word about our group and gave a fun, interactive workshop on plotting.  Jacqueline Carey gave a warm, funny and inspiring keynote speech,…

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