Tag Archives: #AtoZReveal
2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal
2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal It’s time for the 2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal. But first, what is the A-to-Z Challenge? It’s a one month blogging challenge that takes place in April. Twenty-six blogs on twenty-six days. Twenty-six letters of the alphabet, one post beginning with each letter. One central theme. Any category. (Post every…
#AtoZReveal for #AtoZChallenge
#AtoZChallenge is, um, challenging? Starting April 1st, I will be taking part in the #AtoZChallenge, hosted by www.blogchatter.com. For those who don’t know (and I didn’t), the #AtoZChallenge is a blogging challenge that takes place in April (except on Sundays). Participants blog every day around a theme of their choosing, in alphabetical order. For example,…