New Writers Group
I’m in the process of forming a new writer’s group in Kona, Hawaii. About time, eh? I should say my husband sneakily posted some Craigslist ads and I started getting phone calls. I admire his concern for my social and writing needs. 🙂
Currently, we have eight (8) members on (search for Kona Writers Group and join. It’s free). Our next meeting is Sept. 21. Details are on Meetup.
In the meantime, I’m now Empress-elect of a small critique group. Interestingly, none of them write fiction. A new perspective?
Does this mean I have to write on a regular basis?
As if that’s not enough, I’ve started a Kona Writers page on Facebook. I try to repost something writing related every day.
And….. I’m trying to get my Author Page up and running on Amazon. Silly Amazon wants confirmation that I’m an author from Dorchester. Hello, they went belly-up and I’m self-published. I’m sure an email will clear up this confusion.
This month’s focus (also known as goals) is to tackle a couple of those I’ll-get-around-to-it issues, like Amazon Author Page.
Is there something you’ve been avoiding? I’m learning that once you start, it doesn’t take as much time as I’d thought.
Happy writing!