Birth Order: Adding Depth to the Characters You Write

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Birth Order: Adding Depth to the Characters You Write

by Cheryl Sterling

Does your hero run a large corporation? Is he a mover and shaker in the business world? Or is he in a creative field such as advertising or entertainment? Does he negotiate well? Speak first and regret it afterward? Maybe he’s the life of every party.

Whatever his occupation, you can bet his birth order had an effect on his personality and career choice. First-born children generally share characteristics, as do last-borns and middle-borns. Not all attributes apply to each birth order, but on average studies have shown them to be more true than not. We’ll get into the variables later.

Knowing the birth order of your characters will allow you to add layers and depth to them, and, in doing so, layers and depth to your novel. No more second-guessing how they will react to a situation. By using the following information, you’ll know exactly what they’ll do next based on their birth order.


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