Follow Your Nose is Live!
The fourth book in the Rory Harper West Haven Mystery series, Follow Your Nose, is now live on Amazon. FREE on Kindle Unlimited, $3.99 for non-subscribers.

Now available!
Strange things are happening with the myth of West Haven.
Their magic spikes, dives, then vanishes, to reappear in me, blowing my own meager powers out of the water.
I’m Rory Harper, part elf, part human, part everything else, a man with a keen sense of smell I use in my fledgling private investigation business.
Then I start seeing visions, and a goblin dies at my feet. Soon, the myth lose their magic, allegedly stolen by the Stormkeeper, a demon from the past. When their powers appear in me, unbridled and addictive, the need to stop him becomes my responsibility.
How? I’m not sure, but I’ll do what I always do when trouble finds me—follow my nose.