Finish the damn book

There’s one thing about doing a writing challenge.  Once you’ve reached your goal, the motivation dries up.  You don’t write.  The spark is gone, the desire a thing of the past.  At least that’s my experience in the four writing challenges I’ve participated in.  Will I stop?  No, there’s a freedom you can’t find anywhere else.  The inner editor is firmly locked away, and the words take over.

The next time, my goal won’t be 28K or 32K.  It will be THE END OF THE BOOK.  If I can pound out 200 pages, I can do 250-300. (Is the 400 page manuscript dead?)

Now, I have to get back in the groove to finish Ghost Lover then take another look at two more manuscripts that are >this close< to being finished.

How about you?  Do you have manuscripts hidden under the bed that are salvageable?  What keeps you from finishing them?

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