Book Anniversary 99¢ Sale
August 31, 2018 celebrates the two year book anniversary of The Dearly Departed Dating Service.
To celebrate, I’m running a 99¢ sale until 11:59 Labor Day, September 3rd, 2018.
You’re never too dead to fall in love.
Clare Holmes died once. No one bothered to tell her. It worked out well in the end, as the powers-that-be sent her back to Earth. No one bothered to tell her that, either. It might have come in handy when she started seeing dead people, handier yet when they demanded she set up a dating service for them.
Now she has ghosts clambering at her door looking for their soul mates, a million dollar inheritance, and a couple of wacky sisters who are after her pot of gold.
She can handle them.
It’s the handsome lawyer who’s administrating her bequest who keeps her up at night.
To buy the ebook on Amazon, go here.
To buy at Barnes and Noble, Kobo, an ibooks, go here.
Purchase at the Google Play Store, go here.
The Dearly Departed Dating Service is now available in paperback. Go here to purchase.
Enjoy your weekend.
p.s. If you’ve read The Dearly Departed Dating Service, please leave a review where you purchased it. Reviews make our books more visible and are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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