Blogging Every Day? #AuthorToolboxBlogHop

Blogging Every Day?

Blogging every day? Am I crazy? If so, it will the second year in a row I’ve been crazy enough to enter the A-to-Z-Challenge.

What is the A-to-Z Challenge? It’s a one month blogging challenge that takes place in April. Twenty-six blogs on twenty-six days. Twenty-six letters of the alphabet, one post beginning with each letter. One central theme. Any category.

(Post every day except Sundays. Except if the 1st is a Sunday, then write on Sunday, April 1st. No Fooling!)

Sign up here.

(Disclaimer: This blog is almost identical to this blog, but I needed it for two different purposes—theme reveal and Recycle, reuse, repurpose)

Entering the 2017 A-to-Z Challenge

Last year was my first year, though the challenge has been around since 2010. I stumbled upon it by accident and signed onto a group (the wonderful blogchatter group). I wrote twenty-six blogs on writing and marketing tips, which I later consolidated and published as an ebook available here.

Writing tools, 26 ways to improve your writing. 2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Writing Tools: 26 Ways on How to Improve Your Writing

This year, I debated on whether to enter. I couldn’t imagine blogging about another twenty-six tips on writing and book marketing . Do you know how hard it is to find a writing tip for J? (I cheated and used, Journey, The Hero’s)

A case of insomnia came to the rescue

When I can’t fall asleep, I head for the couch. One night the lights from the microwave, stove and cable box seemed to burn brighter than normal, and I started playing the writer’s game of “What If?” What if they weren’t lights but cameras? And someone watched my every move? What if I had a character who thought that and no one believed him? What if I could put a Twilight Zone twist on the end?

Playing a little further, what if the character lived in a retirement community where reality clashes with the unexplained? I live in a retirement community and I’ve witnessed a bunch of strange things. What if I wrote about what I know?

Thus, twenty-six stories were born set in the fictional village of Twilight, Arizona. The blurb for the series is:

Twilight, Arizona, on the road between Phoenix and Las Vegas, where reality clashes with the unexplained.

Almost each one contains a grain of a story that has happened to me or I’ve witnessed. All of the endings are not what you’d expect.

Blogging every day = writing every day. Isn’t that a mantra? “Write every day.” “Butt in Chair.” “Hands on Keyboard”. WEDBICHOK. I get to create a cast of wacky, elderly characters, hone my craft, and write a book at the same time. Plus, by posting and sharing other’s blogs in April, I’ll build my social media following, increase my email subscribers, and sell more books.

If you’re looking for a cross between Lake Woebegone Days, The Golden Girls, and The Twilight Zone, join me in this space on Sunday, April 1, 2018.

If you’d like to try blogging every day, sign up here.



p.s. Please share using the social media icons on the left.

If you’d like to sign up for my monthly newsletter, please sign up below and get a FREE ebook short story (this offer will change soon, so get it while you can)

Also, if you’ve stuck around to the bottom of this blog, take advantage of a special 99¢ offering of Snow White and the Eighth Dwarf as it celebrates its one year publishing anniversary.

Available for 99¢ until March 25, 2018 on Amazon, ibooks, Kobo and other distributors.

Snow White and the Eighth Dwarf, an adult fairy tale romance. 2018 A-to-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

Snow White and the Eighth Dwarf

Blogging every day #Authortoolboxbloghop


This blog is a part of the #AuthorToolboxBlogHop, a monthly event on the topic of resources and learning for authors. Feel free to hop around to the various blogs and see what you learn! The rules and sign-up form are below the list of hop participants. All authors at all stages of their careers are welcome to join.

To sign up and/or follow other fabulous authors, go here to see a list of participants, or follow the #AuthorToolBoxBlogHop hashtag on Twitter.




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28 Responses to Blogging Every Day? #AuthorToolboxBlogHop

  1. Dianna Gunn says:

    I did the A to Z challenge a couple years ago, and I enjoyed it, but it was honestly too much for me – I felt like it took away from my other writing, so I’ve skipped it in the two years since. But I hope you have an amazing time!

  2. Anna says:

    I’ve watched and read so many posts during the A to Z challenge. I couldn’t do it, but I wholeheartedly admire everyone that does. Good luck. 🙂

  3. More power to you, Cheryl, for blogging every day. I’m barely keeping up with the Insecure Writers Support Group and Author Toolbox Blog Hops and my Camping blog at I truly admire those who can blog something pithy for followers to comment on several times a week. I think I stress too much on what to post.

    All the luck to you, my dear!

  4. admin says:

    I’ve cheated and prewritten the blogs. Last year I didn’t join until the last minute plus I had a 4 day overnight babysitting saga in the middle of the month. I hated to scramble. This year I put more thought into it and just have to add images, SEO, etc.
    But I will have to schedule them, follow up with comments, spread others’ posts on social media, plus the 30K I’ve pledged to Camp NaNoWriMo. Easy-peasy.

  5. admin says:

    Thanks! I have a busy April planned.

  6. admin says:

    I spent some time planning out my twenty-six short stories. The characters took over and did the rest.

  7. Charity Rau says:

    I heard about this not that long ago and thought it would be fun to try. Not sure I can do it this year since I’m participating in Camp Nanowrimo, but I do want to try it sometime.

  8. Tony Riches says:

    Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  9. Louise says:

    I admire anyone who completes the A-Z Challenge. Some weeks I can barely keep up with twice weekly blogging!

    I love the idea of the lights from the microwave being cameras watching your every move. Sounds like an interesting series of stories 🙂

  10. Iola says:

    I can cope with the idea of blogging 26 times in a month–I write and publish 20+ posts each month myself between my author website and my editing site. But 26 posts from letters A-Z, and all on the same theme or topic? That’s amazing. Congratulations!

  11. Erika Beebe says:

    I admire your drive to continue with the challenge this year. I think I did a challenge like this with writing blogs every day. Wow! I really learned a great deal and met lots of lovely people. It did consume much of my free time though. I like your post also on how you birthed 26 new ideas by answering the what-if question too. Thank you Cheryl. 🙂

  12. M.L. Keller says:

    Best of luck on your a-z challenge. I posted every day for thirty days last November. I never would have made it without scheduling posts and even then, I was phoning it in toward the end. Still I’m definitely better for the experience. Hope your April is a huge success

  13. Caroliena C says:

    I love blog every day challenges, though I haven’t done one in a while. Maybe April? Who knows! And your ideas for Twilight, AZ sound amazing. I’ll have to come back and check them out 🙂

  14. admin says:

    The AtoZChallenge takes place in April. The blogs don’t have to be long just consistent. Give it a try. Plus, you get to meet so many interesting people.

  15. admin says:

    Thanks! I’m a whole lot more organized than last year. Total chaos in 2017.

  16. admin says:

    Meeting people is worth the time effort. I’m still in touch with some of the people I met last year.

  17. admin says:

    I had to scramble toward the end of the alphabet! I’m in awe of your schedule. I haven’t found a quick way of blogging yet, but I keep refining ways to stay in touch with my readers.
    Thanks for visiting.

  18. admin says:

    The stories came together fairly easy. I had so much fun writing this cast of characters. Like any large body of works, some hit home runs and some made it to first base. I hope everyone enjoys them!

  19. admin says:

    Are you participating? I hope it’s not too much of a scramble. I think I learned about last year’s challenge two or three days ahead of time. What a whirlwind! Good luck if you do participate!

  20. admin says:

    I’m super organized this year. Stories were written over two months (they seemed to come together in batches) and I’ve schedule the next two weekends to clean them up, find images, etc.
    I’m taking part in Camp NaNoWriMo too! I’m about 75 pages into a novel and need the motivation and accountability to get it closer to “The End”.

  21. Stevie says:

    Does this challenge ever interfere with your other writing? I worry that blogging more frequently will get in the way of other projects. Do you plan it at a time when you have no other projects?

  22. Chrys Fey says:

    I participated in A to Z twice. The first year it was for writing tips. The second year my theme was disasters. I had a lot of fun with the disaster theme…to go with my Disaster Crimes series. I’m not participating this year and not sure if I ever will. I’d need a really good theme and more time.

  23. All you writers who do A to Z, my hat off to you. I have trouble enough coming up with two posts per month. Great post, Cheryl! I’ll add it on Facebook sometime before the challenge starts. 🙂

  24. Kristina says:

    Wow, Blogging every day seems a bit intimidating. Good for you!

  25. Pingback: Author Toolbox Blog Hop: A Year in Review – E.M.A. Timar

  26. admin says:

    I spaced the AtoZ writing out starting at the end of January and writing five stories every two weeks. I allowed time between my other projects. Actually writing and blogging every day would interfere with my other writing. That happened last year and I didn’t want to have that stress this year. Write smarter, not harder.

  27. E.M.A. Timar says:

    I am hoping to try the A-Z challenge next year. This year, my focus is finishing my WIP and getting it ready to submit. Since it’s my first and I am learning as I go, it is a process. I know my time constraints and between writing and developing a video game I just can’t swing it this year. Best of luck for your challenge. Your short stories sound intriguing!

  28. admin says:

    Best of luck to you, too. Submitting a book is a daunting task, especially when it’s your first. So much time, blood, guts, and worry. Will they like it? What if they don’t? Speaking from experience, your book will find the right home with the right people. Trust in the universe.

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