Monthly Archives: October 2017
I entered NaNo2017 because my character made me
To NaNo or not to NaNo, that is the question This year, after much internal debate, I entered NaNo2017. Unless you are super new to writing, every writer knows that November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNo or NaNoWriMo), when thousands of writers worldwide attempt to write 50K in 30 days. I had nothing to…
Gear up for NaNoWriMo #Throwback Thursday
#Throwback Thursday. Gear Up for NaNoWriMo. This post is from last December in the aftermath of NaNoWriMo. As thousands of writers gear up for NaNoWriMo this year, heed the common mistakes that could derail your writing: Losing Motivation: Since #NaNoWriMo2016 ended, I’ve noticed a lot of Tweets and Facebook posts about writers losing motivation to…
Aloha from Hawaii
Aloha from Hawaii Wishing you Aloha from Hawaii! I’m writing this the night before I leave (almost 12 hours exactly-I fly out of Phoenix at 5:40 a.m., but I want to pre-schedule this post so I don’t have to worry about time zones {3 hours difference} and jet lag and taking time out of a…